Four Corner Classic

Dates: May 29 – June 1, 2025

Games will be played at Peoria Sports Complex, Maryvale, GCC, Sunrise Mountain HS, and other fields.

There will be no charge at the gate. 

Email to register for this event.

4 Divisions:

Class of 2026 

(players graduating in 2026)

Class of 2027

(players graduating in the year 2027 or younger OR born on or after May 01, 2008.  A team may have up to 5 players that are age eligible but 2026 Graduates)

Class of 2028

(players graduating in the year 2028 or younger OR born on or after May 01, 2009. A team may have up to 5 players that are age eligible but 2027 Graduates)

Class of 2029

(players graduating in the year 2029 or younger OR born on or after May 01, 2010. A team may have up to 5 players that are age eligible but 2028 Graduates.)

-Tournament Style Format

-4 game Guarantee

BBCOR/HS Regulation Metal Bats or Wood/Wood Composite

-Games are timed

-Ties allowed in Pool Play

No refunds after May 1st. Deposits are non-refundable.

Congratulations to our 2025 Division Champions: CBA Summit

Congratulations to our 2026 Division Champions: Trosky AZ

Congratulations to our 2027 Division Champions: MBA Green

Congratulations to our 2028 Division Champions: ATB